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Showing posts from April, 2022

Taxol Dose Dense Treatment

My first experience with Taxol dose dense treatment follows two months of AC dose dense treatment and was certainly something to write about. Obviously everyone’s experience is different and I can only reflect on my experience with the drug.  Dose dense basically means that I receive the chemotherapy drugs with less time between treatments than standard chemotherapy which allows the drugs to interrupt the rapid growth phase of the tumour cells.  There has been a fair bit of research completed on the benefits of dose dense and one article in particular grabbed my attention. It is called ‘Dose Dense-Intensive Chemotherapy Improves Survival in Early Stage Breast Cancer.’ (Cancerconnect, 2020).  A couple of stats within this article state that: Overall survival was improved by nearly 30% among the women treated with dose-dense chemotherapy. At 10 years, survival for women with hormone-negative breast cancer (cancer that is not stimulated to grow from exposure to female hormones) was improv

Half way through Chemotherapy

  Half way You have to celebrate the small wins and the big wins. I have completed four rounds of the nasty red devil and survived. I had an ultrasound to see how the cancer has responded to the first four rounds and I can happily say the cancer has shrunk. Still waiting for confirmation from my oncologist as Easter holidays have impacted that, but the lovely lady who did my ultrasound informed me that the cancer has shrunk 2cm and is now sitting at 0.7cms. This was something worth celebrating which I did with my friends and family.  I had my follow-up appointment with my oncologist and after reviewing how I managed the side effects of the first drug he has decided to do dose dense treatment with my next drug. This means I will have more condensed treatment less frequently. So instead of 12 rounds weekly, it will be 4 rounds fortnightly. Hence finishing my chemo treatment over four months instead of the original six months. Pretty happy about that. Positives of this is only four more b